The MLS is a collection of databases used by real estate professionals to make the inventory of their listings available to other realtors. Real estate agents use it to search for other real estate agent’s listings. It contains a lot of detailed information about each property as well as the listing agent’s name and how to contact them.
Years ago, real estate agents used to meet up to discuss their listings with each other. Real estate agents had to split their commissions if another real estate agent sells the property.
Only licensed real estate agents have access to all of the information in the MLS. The listings in the MLS are confidential, but they are so that other agents can cooperate and share the earnings for a mutually agreeable transaction.
No, there is no difference between the listings.
Some sellers think they are getting a different kind of MLS listing. This is not the case. We list the property on the same local MLS as all other agents. The big difference is instead of charging a 3% listing commission, we charge a low flat fee.
Our flexible pricing plans allow you to choose which listing service best fits your needs. We are your listing broker. Your listing will look the same as all the other listings.
Yes, agents show flat fee listings. Your listing will look no different than any other listing on the MLS. The only commission agents care about is their own, not how much you paid us. Also, the fee of what you paid us, is not posted on the MLS so nobody will know. You decide how much you are going to offer the buyer’s agent.
Technically, the buyer’s agent commission is agreed upon between the listing broker (us) and the seller (you). When you list on the MLS using our service, we are the listing broker. At closing, the closing attorney will collect the full commission. If you elect to pay a buyer’s agent commission, that portion of the commission due to the buyer’s agent will be paid directly to the agent.
We collect a small broker fee (0.25% of the contracted sales price) to cover costs of ensuring compliance with laws, administrative fees, and MLS rules and regulations.
Just contact us, and we can make unlimited changes to your listing. We will send the paperwork to do so if needed.
We put your contact information directly on the MLS Listing. It will be displayed for agents to contact you directly for showings. On the “national” or “public” websites, such as Zillow or, only the broker’s contact information is allowed to be displayed. The reason for this is, because the MLS has rules about what information is allowed to be syndicated to 3rd party websites. Neither you, nor your broker can do anything about this, and these rules are strictly enforced by the MLS.
If we receive a call or email regarding an agent wanting to show your property, we immediately forward your contact information to the requesting buyer or agent. Independent websites will obtain your listing directly from the MLS or a 3rd party syndication feed.
Keep in mind that they pick up whatever they wish from your MLS listing to publish on their website. Thus, we have no control over these independent websites and we cannot change or edit their content directly.
No, this is strictly prohibited by all MLS systems
We refer all buyer leads directly to the seller. In some cases, we may receive calls, and if a buyer says they are represented by an agent, they may suggest their agent call you and set up the showing.
However, if a buyer is not represented at this time, and they express that they wish to be represented by an agent to see your home, the listing broker may have the option to show your home. Although this rarely happens, it is possible that the listing broker may also be able to represent the buyer.
Yes of course! Our office license is CQ1064872. Our Designated Broker’s License is BK3397260.
At this point we do not offer for sale signs for your yard. Some sellers don’t want neighbors to know they are selling, or the risk of squatters breaking into a home if vacant.
You aren’t required by the MLS to offer a Buyer’s Agent commission. If a real estate agent presents an accepted offer and it goes to closing, you must pay the commission offered on the MLS. If you sell your home to a buyer that is not represented by a broker or agent, then you pay no buyer’s agent commission. You have the ability to sell your home on your own with no buyer’s agent
We still collect a small broker fee (0.25% of the contracted sales price) to cover costs of ensuring compliance with laws, administrative fees, and MLS rules and regulations.
We serve the following counties in the local MLS. Duval, Clay, Bradford, Nassau, Putnam, and St. Johns county.
Licenses: Florida Corporation CQ1064872, Broker-BK3397260
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